JM Zhou
JM Zhou is now a Master student in ShanghaiTech University. His research interest is radio frequency (RF) devices and circuits. To date, he has publicated 5 works which are indexed by SCI/EI, and with 3 works being under reveiw. He was awarded a China National Scholarship in 2023. During 2021 to 2023 semester, he was awarded one of the outstanding/merit students for twice, as well as one of the outstanding teaching assistants. He is also a laboratory student assistant engineer in Post More Integrated Circuit Center (PMICC)

Contact Address: 393 Middle Huaxia Road, Pudong, Shanghai, 201210.
Email: zhoujm@shanghaitech.edu.cn.
ORCID: 0009-0001-4630-9869
ETH: 0x9fcaa4b1250353db36b5633a5b34703ce8de61c3

2017.09-2021.07 Undergraduate of SIST, ShanghaiTech, Shanghai, China

2019.07-2024.07 Student of GaNology Lab, work on Radio Frequency device

Academic Publications


[9]. Haitao Du, Yu Zhang, Junmin Zhou, Jiaxiang Chen, Wenbo Ye, Xu Zhang, Qifeng Lyu, Hongzhi Wang, Kei May Lau, and Xinbo Zou, “GaN Nanowire n-i-n Diode Enabled High-performance UV Machine Vision System”, submitted to IEEE transactions on nanotechnology, Under review.

[8]. Haowen Guo, Junmin zhou, Yitian Gu, Wenbo Ye, and Xinbo zou, “High Linearity Dual-Gate GaN HEMTs with 10.6-dB OIP3/PDC for Low-Voltage Applications,” submitted to IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, Under review.

[7]. Han Gao*, Yitian Gu*, Jialun Li, Junmin Zhou, Haowen Guo, Kei May Lau#, and Xinbo Zou#, IEEE EDL, Major Revision.

[6]. Haolan Qu, Jiaxiang Chen, Yu Zhang, Jin Sui, Ruohan Zhang, Junmin Zhou, Xing Lu, and Xinbo Zou, “Electrical and trap characteristics of NiO/β-Ga2O3 p-n heterojunction”, in Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 38, Num. 10, doi: 10.1088/1361-6641/acf608.

[5]. Junmin Zhou, Haowen Guo, Haitao Du, et. al, “RF p-GaN HEMT with 0.9-dB Noise Figure and 12.8-dB Associated Gain for LNA Applications,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1412-1415, Sept. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LED.2023.3294696.


[4]. J. Zhou, K Li, “Implementation of Broadband and High Efficiency S-band Doherty Power Amplifier Based on GaN HEMTs”, HIC cup, Huawei.


[3]. Junmin Zhou, Haowen Guo, Yitian Gu, and Xinbo Zou, “Demonstration and modeling of frequency tripler based on GaN Schottky diode pair”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 125, p. 105464, 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mejo.2022.105464.

[2]. W. Song, H. Guo, Y. Gu, J. Zhou, J. Sui, B. Chen, W. Huang, and X. Zou, “Power Compression and Phase Analysis of GaN HEMT for Microwave Receiver Protection,” Electronics, vol. 11, no. 13, 2022, doi: 10.3390/electronics11131958.


[1]. H. Guo, J. Zhou, M. Wang and X. Zou, “Output Phase and Amplitude Analysis of GaN-Based HEMT at Cryogenic Temperatures,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1219-1222, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3079222.


  1. China Postgraduate National Scholarship (2023)
  2. ShanghaiTech Outstanding Student (2021-2022)
  3. ShanghaiTech Outstanding Teaching Assistant (2022)
  4. ShanghaiTech Outstanding Teaching Assistant (2023)
  5. ShanghaiTech Merit Student (2022-2023)

Software (EDA): Advanced Design System (ADS), Cadence Virtuoso, HFSS, CST

Hardware (Chip TEST): Lakeshore Probe station, Vector Network Analyzer (R&S ZNA43, R&S ZNB40), RF sources (SMB100A, SMA100B), Spectrum Analyzer (FSV3030), FDCS microwave impedance tuner, PA/LNA loadpull/sourcepull system, etc.

Others: CET-4, CET-6

Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit

Analog Integrated Circuit

Microwave Engineering

Fundamental of Semiconductor Device

Digital Integrated Circuit